The Daily Latvia - An Interactive Guide To Latvia and Riga!
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Riga inspires! Yes, that's true! Riga is not only the capital city but also one of the greatest cities of Latvia and even Baltic States. Riga can be divided in two parts - the old Riga and the modern Riga.

Old Riga
It is the most beautiful part of the Riga city - beautiful old style houses with all those ornaments and sculptures, churches, monuments and historical places going side by side with prestige art galleries, best of the best restaurants and hotels building all together an unforgettable scene! Yes, Riga inspires!

Old Riga

Modern Riga
This part of city is all around Old Riga. It is divided into several sections. There you will find everything from big supermarkets and 20 floor high houses down to 70year old wooden buildings with history in every corner. Riga is more than 800 years old, and history had made it so unique! And there she is - my unique Riga!

Modern Riga


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    Sandis Viksna
    The Daily Latvia . COM
The Daily Latvia - An Interactive Guide To Riga And Latvia

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